Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How to Efficiently Test-Drive A Vehicle

We have to admit, we love the test drive.  Seeing a potential driver leave our lot, smile intact, back poised, and prepared for the road ahead, makes us feel like an integral part of their life.  Test-driving a car is important because it solidifies your buying decision.  There’s a series of questions potential buyers ask themselves.  At our dealership, we’re here to help.  In today’s blog we’re going to discuss the best ways to test-drive your car and the questions you should ask yourself when you’re driving. 

Most purchasers start their research online.  By checking out our automotive dealership website, you can consider what features you would like your new vehicle to have.  The options are endless, including: color choice, specs, and features.  Also, keep in mind that these are based on your individual preferences and you should never settle for a vehicle you’re not “sold” on.  Once you come into the dealership, it’s time to “feel the wheel.”  You saw what you liked online, and now you want to see if that translates into your true experience.  These are some questions you should ask as you step behind the wheel of your dream car:

Is it easy for me to enter and exit the vehicle without banging my head?

Is the driving position comfortable?  Is my seat positioned too high or low when I’m in the passenger seat?

Are all of the controls easily accessible when I’m in a driving position?

Are the controls easy to use?

Do the gas and brake pedals match my body type and are they adjustable?

Some other tips include checking out the vehicle from a spectator point-of-view.  Listen for the noise level inside the car, as well as the acceleration, braking, cornering, suspension, seat comfort and cargo space.  These are all major factors that can help your buying decision.  Your test-drive is meaningful to us and we want you to enjoy your experience as much as possible.  Happy Shopping!

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