Wednesday, March 7, 2012

How to Maximize Your Trade-In

You saw it…and it was beautiful.  The exterior was jet black, a reflection of your tenacity and grit.  The interior?  A cool gray accent, as comfortable as your recliner at home.  It roared by you in a monstrous vroom, the exhaust releasing the sweet fumes of raw power.  “I want that car” you say.  You’re finally ready to trade in your car.

Trading in your vehicle is a simple process at the dealership, and in today’s blog, we’re going to provide some tips on making your car sparkle.  Note: We always provide a great rate for trade-in’s, this will only aid in making the transition from your vehicle to a newer one. 

Keep it clean.  If the interior is well maintained, smells good, and exuberates the feeling of cleanliness, this will help make the trade-in that much easier.  A half eaten Whopper left in the passenger seat wouldn’t be a good idea (even though the Whopper is a delectable burger treat for any individual, and should, therefore not be wasted!) keep it clean!

Like the interior, keep it clean! There’s no need for an overhaul of car detail, but a nice hand wash would work wonders.  A clean car shows off the paint, minor scratches (which are not a problem to get rid of) and if there are any dings on the car. 

Top off the fluids in your car.  For example: power steering fluid, washer fluid, oil, etc…  These liquids keep your vehicle running at optimum capacity, and you should check them regularly, regardless of if you’re selling your vehicle or not.  Clean fluids show that you’re maintaining your vehicle to manufacturer standards.  Make sure the anti-freeze is current and at the proper level...and yes, fill up the windshield washer fluid. These additions should cost  next to nothing. 

Tires & Brakes
If your car needs tires and brakes, investing a couple hundred dollars in a new set goes a long way in the appraisal (however, we don’t mind taking your vehicle as is)

These are just a few of tips we have for you this week.  For more, just request a Part II for next week!  Thanks fans!
You saw it…and it was beautiful.  The exterior was jet black, a reflection of your tenacity and grit.  The interior?  A cool gray accent, as comfortable as your recliner at home.  It roared by you in a monstrous vroom, the exhaust releasing the sweet fumes of raw power.  “I want that car” you say.  You’re finally ready to trade in your car.

Trading in your vehicle is a simple process at the dealership, and in today’s blog, we’re going to provide some tips on making your car sparkle.  Note: We always provide a great rate for trade-in’s, this will only aid in making the transition from your vehicle to a newer one. 

Keep it clean.  If the interior is well maintained, smells good, and exuberates the feeling of cleanliness, this will help make the trade-in that much easier.  A half eaten Whopper left in the passenger seat wouldn’t be a good idea (even though the Whopper is a delectable burger treat for any individual, and should, therefore not be wasted!) keep it clean!

Like the interior, keep it clean! There’s no need for an overhaul of car detail, but a nice hand wash would work wonders.  A clean car shows off the paint, minor scratches (which are not a problem to get rid of) and if there are any dings on the car. 

Top off the fluids in your car.  For example: power steering fluid, washer fluid, oil, etc…  These liquids keep your vehicle running at optimum capacity, and you should check them regularly, regardless of if you’re selling your vehicle or not.  Clean fluids show that you’re maintaining your vehicle to manufacturer standards.  Make sure the anti-freeze is current and at the proper level...and yes, fill up the windshield washer fluid. These additions should cost  next to nothing. 

Tires & Brakes
If your car needs tires and brakes, investing a couple hundred dollars in a new set goes a long way in the appraisal (however, we don’t mind taking your vehicle as is)

These are just a few of tips we have for you this week.  For more, just request a Part II for next week!  Thanks fans!

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